Images from Huffington Post
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Remembering Nelson Mandela - A Great Totara has fallen in the forest.
There are many inspirational quotes that are attributed to Nelson Mandela. There are two of these below. For many people he has always been known as an old man. He was 72 when he was released from prison on February 11th, 1990. But many others remember him as a younger man, and he was when he was imprisoned for 27 years. President Obama said today "he makes me want to be a better man". Because of him, we are all inspired to be better people.
Year 9 Top Team Competiton
Last week all the Year 9 students took part in a Top Team events day. South Division colour is red which is why the boys below are dressed in red.
Shaun, Emerson and friend.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Making the world an Awesome place by 9SBd
Today Mr Stokes and myself had the exciting job of teaching
9SBd, because their usual fabulous teacher,Ms McColl, was away. We watched two clips from blogs and then wrote our own suggestions for ways to make the world an awesome place.
Ways to make the World/Christchurch/Burnside High School
Some suggestions for school
Any hair colour we want/teachers have a treasure box with things in it we can get when we are good/free wifi/no uniform/ Free food/able to choose some of our classes so we met different people/later start to school or early finish/you can eat in class/a period of free time so you can do something you really like(20%Google time)/order lunch/listen to music when you work/stop bullying/more sporting opportunities for kids with disabilities
Some suggestions for Christchurch
More stuff for people our age to do/theme park/more ice cream shops/more youth centres/amusement parks/something better than going to the mall every weekend
Some awesome inventions for the future
teleporter/time travel/cancer cure/cars that run on water/pet robots/portable airbag - so if you are in an accident you don’t get injured/clothes printer/robot miners/anti bullying software/a machine to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen to weaken the effects of global warming/a lawnmower powered by lawnclippings/a cellphone which projects a keypad and screen
(we watched kidpresident from the Ti Kouka blog and Cyborg kid from The Shed blog)
Thanks 9SBd - You all were AWESOME!
Ms H and Mr Stokes
Ways to make the World/Christchurch/Burnside High School
Some suggestions for school
Any hair colour we want/teachers have a treasure box with things in it we can get when we are good/free wifi/no uniform/ Free food/able to choose some of our classes so we met different people/later start to school or early finish/you can eat in class/a period of free time so you can do something you really like(20%Google time)/order lunch/listen to music when you work/stop bullying/more sporting opportunities for kids with disabilities
Some suggestions for Christchurch
More stuff for people our age to do/theme park/more ice cream shops/more youth centres/amusement parks/something better than going to the mall every weekend
Some awesome inventions for the future
teleporter/time travel/cancer cure/cars that run on water/pet robots/portable airbag - so if you are in an accident you don’t get injured/clothes printer/robot miners/anti bullying software/a machine to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen to weaken the effects of global warming/a lawnmower powered by lawnclippings/a cellphone which projects a keypad and screen
(we watched kidpresident from the Ti Kouka blog and Cyborg kid from The Shed blog)
Thanks 9SBd - You all were AWESOME!
Ms H and Mr Stokes
A Pep Talk from Kid President to You
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall from 128k' - Mission Highlights
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Dinovember - Creative parents bring kids’ dinosaurs to life each night
Two Creative parents in Kansas City have created Dinovember where they create Dinosaur adventures for their children to discover in the morning.Keeping children's imagination alive-Fantastic!
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Polar Bear Cam - Researchers use Crowdsourcing!/live-cams/player/polar-bear-tundra-buggy-cam
Researchers studying the effects of climate change on polar bears are experimenting with the idea of crowdsourcing data as improving technology allows anybody with an internet connection to monitor the animals' annual migration in Canada.
Polar bears gather at this time of year on the Hudson Bay's southwestern shore to wait for the water to freeze so they can wander the ice and hunt for seals.
The migration to the Wapusk National Park in Manitoba is far enough south to make the Western Hudson Bay polar bears one of the most accessible and studied populations of the species. This is the third season that reserachers are running live webcam feeds of the annual migration. The webcams were set up to improve the education of people who know little about Polar Bears.
They allow anybody online to watch and photograph male bears sparring and mothers walking with their young across the tundra.
Researchers will look to add the best of those photos to their collection, and compare them with photo archives going back decades to better understand changes to the bear's conditions.
Here is the link to the webcam!/live-cams/player/polar-bear-tundra-buggy-cam
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Shigeru Ban -Japanese Architect
This a TED talk by Shigeru Ban who built the Cardboard Cathedral in Christchurch and also many structures around the world where countries have suffered disasters.
Ted Blog Link
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Fifa Posts
Hello my name is Olly and I am a student in Miss Henderson's class. I am the creator of Fifa Posts and blog all about the football world. My self and fellow author Adriel update the blog every week with EPL results and other football related things. Please take some time to have a look at my blog.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Piano stairs - -
Thursday, 3 October 2013
BORED? Get to the library!
It is only Thursday, week one of the holidays- you can't be bored yet? However, you might like to
head down to the Bishopdale or Riccarton Libraries. I am currently in the RED cafe at the Riccarton Library. A place that combines two of my favourite things as you all know - books and coffee. I have had a quick look at the Library blog. There are some interesting books in the New and Recently Released list.
Check out these below.
In this atmospheric novel, the tension and turbulence of the 1947 partition of Pakistan and India springs to "bloody, poignant life" (Kirkus Reviews) through the first-person stories of three teens: Tariq, an ambitious Muslim desperate for a university education in England; Margaret, a spoiled British girl with a scandalous past; and Anupreet, a Sikh maid just hoping to survive during uncertain times. Readers will be caught up in the lives of all three characters as they're confronted with tough decisions about their relationships and their futures. For another look at social and political change in India, check outKeeping Corner by Kashmira Sheth.
The Godstone embedded in her navel marked her at birth as a heroine, and now Queen Elisa must live up to her long-foretold destiny. In the final book of the Fire and Thorns trilogy, Elisa is determined to rescue her beloved Hector from the fiery Inviernos, as well as protect her kingdom from invasion and treachery. Though she's gained strength, courage, and magical ability, Elisa realises that to meet the challenges of leadership, she needs her "only lasting power": her intelligence. For more high-stakes action, powerful female characters, and intricate world-building, check out Kristin Cashore's Seven Kingdoms trilogy, starting with Graceling.
El Patrón is dead, which makes his 14-year-old clone Matteo the new Lord of the country of Opium. Matt has been reclassified as human, but he still has to cure the other clones (mind-controlled "eejits" who provide Opium's slave labour), as well as dismantle Opium's drug trade and plant new crops to revitalise Earth's ravaged environment. Fans of sophisticated science fiction will be captivated by the "electric blend of horrors and beauty" (Publishers Weekly) in this wildly imaginative, morally complex vision of the future. As this sequel (10 years in the making!) builds on events from the first book, readers should start with The House of the Scorpion.
In an instant, Bea felt almost normal with Beck, and as if she could fall in love again, but things change when the psychotherapist who has been helping her deal with past romantic relationships puts her in a group with Beck - a group for teens with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
After Rose's father's new wife, Ombrine, moves in with her evil daughter, the two will stop at nothing to ruin her life, so when they attempt to destroy the relationship between Rose and King Jean-Marc and tear out her late mother's beautiful garden, Rose's only inspiration for living lies in the beauty of a single blossom that survived the attack.
As high school graduation nears, Wren Gray is surprised to connect with gentle Charlie Parker, a boy with a troubled past who has loved her for years, while she considers displeasing her parents for the first time and changing the plans for her future.
Recon Team Angel is ready to take back the Earth from the Bzadians. The aliens might control most of the planet, but the six teens on the elite military squad have been expertly trained and surgically modified (forked tongues and all) to pass as Bzadians and infiltrate the alien base in Australia. Each team member has their own particular strengths - but only one of them is a traitor. If you like fast-paced adventures or Call of Duty-style military games, you'll enjoy the sharp dialogue, explosive action, and shocking twists of Assault. Follow this series debut with its sequel, Task Force.
The highly anticipated follow-up to Janet Edwards' sensational YA sci-fi debut,Earth Girl. 18-year-old Jarra has a lot to prove. After being awarded one of the military's highest honours for her role in a daring rescue attempt, Jarra finds herself - and her Ape status - in the spotlight. Jarra is one of the unlucky few born with an immune system that cannot survive on other planets. Derided as an 'ape' - a 'throwback' - by the rest of the universe, Jarra is on a mission to prove that Earth Girls are just as good as everyone else. Except now the planet she loves is under threat by what could be humanity's first ever alien contact. Jarra's bravery - and specialist knowledge - will once again be at the centre of the maelstrom, but will the rest of the universe consider Earth worth fighting for?
In the chaos following a series of plane crashes caused by flocks of kamikaze birds, 17-year-old Reese and her debate team partner, David, are in a serious car accident and receive medical treatment at a military hospital in Arizona. No one will tell them the details of what happened or how they've been healed... but after they get back home to San Francisco, both of them suspect that they've undergone something more than standard medical procedures. With bizarre happenings, clandestine government agents, X-Files-esque intrigue, and even a bit of romance, Adaptation will fascinate conspiracy theorists and thriller fans alike.
Ordered by her parents to flee to a top-secret bunker when they receive news of an imminent viral attack capable of decimating the human race, 17-year-old Icie endures months in hiding with three other teens without any news from the outside world, an existence that is hailed generations in the future by a mysterious cult.
In most stories about humans and aliens, the aliens are the invaders. But in theChaos Walking trilogy, it's humans who have invaded the home planet of the alien Spackle. This final volume of the trilogy looks at the horrors of war not just through the eyes of humans Todd and Viola, but also from the perspective of a reluctant Spackle leader called 1017. Readers willing to tackle this epic read will be riveted by a powerful, thought-provoking tale of agonising choices, shattering violence, and hard-won redemption. Newcomers to the series, however, should begin with the 1st book, The Knife of Never Letting Go.
For all of her 16 years, Terra has lived in a city within a spaceship that left Earth 500 years before seeking refuge, but as they finally approach the chosen planet, she is drawn into a secret rebellion that could change the fate of her people.
head down to the Bishopdale or Riccarton Libraries. I am currently in the RED cafe at the Riccarton Library. A place that combines two of my favourite things as you all know - books and coffee. I have had a quick look at the Library blog. There are some interesting books in the New and Recently Released list.
Check out these below.
New and Recently Released!
A moment comes - Jennifer Bradbury
The bitter kingdom - Rae Carson
The Lord of Opium - Nancy Farmer
OCD love story - Corey Ann Haydu
The rose bride: a retelling of "The white bride and the black bride" - Nancy Holder
The infinite moment of us - Lauren Myracle
Close Encounters
If you can't wait for the sequel to Rick Yancey's bestselling The 5th Wave, or you're excited about the Ender's Game movie coming out at the end of the year, these books about aliens will make you laugh, make you think, and maybe even keep you up at night.
The assault - Brian Falkner
Earth Star - Janet Edwards
Adaptation - Malinda Lo
Half lives - Sara Grant
Monsters of men - Patrick Ness
Starglass - Phoebe North
Sunday, 29 September 2013
The Cardboard Cathedral- On my Holiday List
A visit to the Cardboard Cathedral is on my holiday list. If you want to know more about the
Japanese Architect there is a link below to an article about him, as well as a clip from a TED talk.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
A visitor shares his knowledge
Terry Ryan with Chloe, Emerson and Paige
Last week Dr Terry Ryan came to visit Burnside and spend time with some of our junior Maoristudent and talk about their Whakapapa with them. He also spent time with some of 9Skn and talked to us about the school cabbage trees which are a significant group of trees in this area. They are called
Te Herenga Ora and below is a link to some of the history associated with them.
This link below gives more information bout cabbage trees - Ti Kouka
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Two Quotes to think about
“Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Dear Parents- We need your comments
Dear Parents and Friends of 9SKn,
We are inviting you to make some comments on our blog. Getting comments is a great way to get feedback on a blog post and it also encourages students to continue their writing on the blog. It is a little scary
but sometimes in life we need to be challenged to enable us to grow. My first goal for this blog was 1000 page views, 100 visitors and for every student to have contributed to the blog. To celebrate this we had
cake- you will see the photos! All comments are sent to me via email to allow me to moderate them. If I don't know the person or they are not appropriate I delete them. I have put a link to my own blog on the blog roll so feel free to comment on that. There are also links to other class blogs with comments.
Here is a link to a How to comment doc.
And here is a link to some great "How to" videos from a fantastic teacher in
the United States whose class are super bloggers
We are inviting you to make some comments on our blog. Getting comments is a great way to get feedback on a blog post and it also encourages students to continue their writing on the blog. It is a little scary
but sometimes in life we need to be challenged to enable us to grow. My first goal for this blog was 1000 page views, 100 visitors and for every student to have contributed to the blog. To celebrate this we had
cake- you will see the photos! All comments are sent to me via email to allow me to moderate them. If I don't know the person or they are not appropriate I delete them. I have put a link to my own blog on the blog roll so feel free to comment on that. There are also links to other class blogs with comments.
Here is a link to a How to comment doc.
And here is a link to some great "How to" videos from a fantastic teacher in
the United States whose class are super bloggers
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Victorian Writers
A loose definition of Victorian literature is anything published during the time of Queen Victoria and her reign (1837-1901). Actual Victorians include the British writers who were living in Britain during her reign, but the term has also been placed on writers from America and elsewhere in Europe. Victorian literature also creates a bridge between the Romantic and Dark-Romantic writings of the early 19th century, to the Progressive/Modern eras in America and the Edwardian eras of literature at the turn of the 20th century.
(Image and information sourced from Information via this blog)
a)Oliver Twist and Great Expectations
b)Jane Eyre
c)Treasure Island
d)The Jungle Book
e)Alice in Wonderland
f)Sherlock Holmes
There is probably a prize for these answers 9SKn students.
Let them eat Cake!
These words were supposedly said by Marie Antoinette,about the starving French peasants. However at long last 9SKn were able to celebrate, 1000 page views, over 100 visitors and everyone posting on the class
We all enjoyed the cake!
Myth Busted
We all enjoyed the cake!
Myth Busted
Monday, 9 September 2013
Victorian Life and Society
We have been watching The Secret Garden, a movie based on a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, originally published in 1911, right at the end of the Victorian Era. We have been looking at Victorian Society and Literature, as well as comparing our lives to children who lived at that time.
Here are some interesting facts about this time. Click on the link below. ( link delayed for now)
Saturday, 17 August 2013
The Secret Garden - A Classic Movie
The Secret Garden
Movie information:
Young British girl, Mary Lennox, born and raised in India loses her neglectful parents in an earthquake. She is returned to England to live at her uncle's home. Her uncle is very distant to her and her cousin, Colin, due to the loss of his wife ten years ago. Neglected once again, she begins exploring the estate and discovers a garden that has been locked. Aided by one of the servants' brothers, Dickon, she begins restoring the garden, and eventually discovers other secrets of the manor.
Our Review:
It was an interesting concept but moved a bit slowly at times. The Secret Garden is still an instant classic. Great performances from all the actors -especially Maggie Smith, who played Mrs Medlock. It’s a family friendly movie and even though it starts out sad and with darker themes of death, it ends up happy and with new life and joy.
Reviewed by Sameen and Cynthia
Friday, 16 August 2013
Gaming- What's it all about?
Want to know why Gaming is so popular? Here is some information about three popular games.(and we don't mean Rugby)
Link for video to be added later (sorry)
The Sims is a Pc/Mac game. It is also
available on other devices. It takes you
into a virtual world that holds virtual people and animals. In the base game
you have the choice of playing in the neighbourhood called Sunset Valley you
also have the choice of playing in Riverview. You have the choice to either
make new Sims or play an existing household.
There are ten soon to be eleven Expansion
Packs to the game and nine soon to be ten Stuff Packs.
The expansion packs expand the game and stuff
packs add more content to build with and furnish your houses.
The Expansion Packs are:
World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night,
Generations, Pets, Showtime, Super natural, Seasons, University Life, Island
Paradise and Coming Soon: Into The Future.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Kate Sheppard - A Canterbury Heroine
(image created using Pic Collage)
Katherine Wilson Sheppard, also known as Kate, (10 March 1847 – 13 July 1934) was the most prominent member of New Zealand's women's suffrage (the movement to allow women to vote in New Zealand) movement, and is the country's most famous suffragette. She also appears on the NZ ten dollar note. Because New Zealand was the first country to introduce universal suffrage, Sheppard's work had a considerable impact on women's suffrage movements in other countries.
Born in Liverpool in 1847, Kate emigrated to Christchurch in her early twenties. In 1885 she joined the new Women’s Christian Temperance Union, which advocated women’s suffrage as a means to fight for liquor prohibition. For Kate, suffrage quickly became an end in itself. Speaking for a new generation, she argued, ‘We are tired of having a “sphere” doled out to us, and of being told that anything outside that sphere is “unwomanly”.’
Kate travelled the country, writing to newspapers, holding public meetings and lobbying members of Parliament. Opposition was fierce. As Wellington resident Henry Wright wrote, women were ‘recommended to go home, look after their children, cook their husbands’ dinners, empty the slops, and generally attend to the domestic affairs for which Nature designed them’; they should give up ‘meddling in masculine concerns of which they are profoundly ignorant’.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Saturday, 10 August 2013
The Cat Photo and a Poem - until I sort out glitches (now sorted)
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear --
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear --
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'
Percy Bysshe Shelley
sourced from Poemhunter
Thursday, 8 August 2013
I Am Not Esther Interviews
Hey there, these are the interviews in class about I am not Esther we did a few weeks ago. Links and the QR codes are down below for viewing. If you are using a smart phone, scan the QR code and it goes straight to the recordings! Enjoy! ( We realize these recordings are not perfect but we will improve the quality for next time- Ms H)
Adriel, Olly, And Sungjae
to be added
Levi, Matt, Jordan
to be added
Trent, Monty, Paige
to be added
Bryn, Emerson, Curtis
Olivia, Caitlin, Mirie
Shaun, Charlotte, Chloe
to be addded
Natalie, Taylah, Tarah, Sameen, Cynthia, Helen, Jackson
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