Thursday, 6 June 2013

9SKN Mottos

These are some of 9SKn mottos. The first one that says “If you don’t take a chance, you won’t stand a chance” which means  sometimes you have to take a risk to get a better outcome.
The next one says “It is hard to fail but is worse never to have tried to succeed” which means it is better to try and fail than not to try.
Number 3 is “Do unto others as you would have done to yourself” which means treat other people how you want to be treated.
The next one is “you are the protagonist in your own game” which means you are the one that stands in the way of own success.
Number 5 is “No risk, No reward” which means if you don’t take risks you won’t get a good reward and the last one is “Be yourself everyone else is taken” which means don’t try to act like other people.

1 comment:

  1. Great to be reminded of mottos to live by. I've noticed that my mottos always sound fantastic, but I struggle taking risks myself, it's sort of like plunging into cold water, better to get through, so I can do what I want to do...swim.
